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  • Loading Images

    Wait for images

    To ensure that all images are loaded before the PDF is generated, you may need to set the waitUntil page option to networkidle0.

    const pageOptions = {    waitUntil: 'networkidle0'}

    Alternatively, networkidle2 may be a better choice if your page does long-polling or other side activity which results in long-lived network requests. In that case you may experience timeouts with networkidle0. See this Puppeteer issue for mroe information.

    If you require more control over the behaviour of waitUntil, you can instead add a callback which awaits waitForNetworkIdle. Refer to the example below for more details.

    Lazily loaded images

    Images with loading="lazy" may not appear in the PDF if they are initially outside the Puppeteer viewport.

    You can use the callback page option to modify all the images in the page to be eagerly loaded, and then wait for the loading to finish.

    const pageOptions = {    callback: async (page) => {        await page.$$eval('img[loading=lazy]', (imgs) => {            imgs.forEach((img) => {                img.loading = 'eager'            })        })        // wait for all images to load        await page.waitForNetworkIdle()    },    // this does not matter much since waiting is done in callback    waitUntil: 'load'}

    You can configure the maximum number of network connections to be considered inactive/idle (default 0), and the time that the network must be idle (default 500 milliseconds) when calling waitForNetworkIdle. The default behaviour is the same as setting waitUntil to networkidle0.

    If you do this, then you can also set waitUntil to a faster option like load, as either way you will be waiting for all the network requests to finish with waitForNetworkIdle.