• Font size
  • Line height
  • Font
  • Troubleshooting

    Missing content or timeouts

    If you encounter issues like missing images, or the page timing out, you can likely fix the issue with configuration changes.

    If the waitUntil page option is too short, some content may not be loaded before the PDF is generated. But if it is too long, it may result in a timeout.

    The navTimeout page option applies while the page is being loaded, and setting the timeout in the pdf page option applies when Puppeteer is generating the PDF from the loade page content.

    See the guides on generating many PDFs and loading images for more details.

    Output locations

    When you try to generate multiple PDFs to the same filepath, astro-pdf will add a counter suffix to prevent overwriting files and having conflicts while writing the files. However it is recommended to specify unique filenames for each PDF to be able to link to them consistently. Use the ensurePath page option to ensure the PDF is generated at the path specified.

    Since astro-pdf processes the pages in parallel, the order in which pages finish loading and start getting written to disk may change between builds. This means resulting filenames of PDFs may not be the same every time if there are conflicting filenames.

    If there are errors while a PDF is being generated or written, the file will be deleted. This can, for example, lead to there being a file-1.pdf without a file.pdf in the final build, as file.pdf encountered an error (and got deleted) after file-1.pdf starting writing to disk.

    Debug errors

    If you encounter errors while using astro-pdf, or some unexpected behaviour, you can run the Astro build with the --verbose flag to get more details on the errors and what astro-pdf is doing.

    npm run build -- --verbose

    astro-pdf logs all errors and their stack traces when the --verbose flag is set, rather than just the error message in the normal logging.

    If you encounter an unexpected error, or suspect that there is an issue with astro-pdf itself, you can submit a bug report.